Thursday, December 9, 2010

Our Christmas tree!

Monica and James were so nice as to let us borrow their little Christmas tree! We are missing a star or angel still...but hopefully we will find some in my parent's Christmas stuff. It's little and doesn't have a lot of decorations, but we still like it! It's very useful as a night light. :)

This is our only other decoration at this time, but isn't he cute!

Bowling with the girls, and the last day of school

Yesterday, I took 2 finals. Each one was for my each lab that I had taken this semester. After my chemistry final the lab teacher told us to clean out our desks. What?! Are we really done now?! Crazy... I cleaned out my lab desk. It was a bitter sweet moment. Bitter in the fact that I will be leaving BYU to go on to another chapter in my life called the internship, and sweet in thinking that I will be graduating soon. I will be a college graduate! I never really thought that day would come.
Well, to celebrate two of my friends from my major wanted to go bowling. We were able to get a free game because we were students and you are able to get one free game a semester. It was a lot of fun! I broke 100 my first game, and then kind of only got 80 my second game. I can honestly say I am better at Wii sports bowling then real bowling. Here are some pictures. The lighting was weird because they had the black lights on for the last day of bowling classes.
 Katie getting ready to bowl. She ended up with a 146!
 Blurry picture because of the lighting
 Our names for bowling. We thought it would be fun to have cool names.
 Ashlee was romantically attached to her ball...jk. She bowled really well!
Just being silly

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Something to think about...

So, today was kind of an interesting day. When I was walking up to school from my car, a car ALMOST hit me! The driver was going super fast, and luckily, I wasn't crossing the street yet. A car in the other lane had stopped for me to let me cross the street, the other car was approaching the intersection, and I guess they didn't see me because, well, they drove right on past! Then I thought about it, what if I hadn't paid attention to that car and got hit... Hmm...interesting to think about.
Then another weird thing happened. After my parasitology lab, I went down to the computer lab to print off some stuff so I could study for my tests that are coming up. I left all of my school stuff and car keys with my friend Ashlee, just so I didn't have to carry them to the computer lab. The only thing I had was my cell phone. So, I was getting on the elevator to go up to study, and the elevator suddenly stopped between floors. Thinking to myself, "well, this is unusual." I waited for about 20 seconds, and the elevator just started to move again. I got off on the floor that I wanted to, and thought...what if I really had be stuck in an elevator? What in the world would I do?
Just something to think about...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Honeymoon pictures

So, Blake wanted to edit our honeymoon pictures, but I think he forgot. I am putting some of them on here, just so people can know we did go on a honeymoon, and we did have fun! LOL. For those of you who didn't know or hear...we went to Disneyland on our honeymoon! It was a blast! And we were able to visit Hollywood (not a fan) and San Diego! Enjoy!

The temple was under construction, but we were still able to do a session!



The Hoppers with Hopper the grasshopper

Bride and Groom

My favorite ride as a child. Dumbo!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I've been trying to play catch up with my blog, but whenever I'm not next to a computer I remember something to say. HA! Such is life. Anyways...Blake and I got a new calling in.....August....ha! We are the new CTR 4 teachers! We have two boys and one girl. All of them are so cute and have the attention span of about 3 seconds. It's really fun to teach them because you can really see how smart 4 year olds are about the gospel. They absolutely love to learn, and get excited about primary! It's one of the hardest callings I have ever had, but I love being able to teach them! We have the primary program coming up on Sunday...I'm excited to have the kids in primary show off!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Meant to be

So, a month or so ago, I was super sick for a couple of days and didn't really want to do anything. Sunday of course fell into one of those days, and I couldn't go to church. Blake, however, needed to go up to SLC to take some pictures for his photo class and needed me to go with him. He also told me that Paul and Phillip were also coming. "Oh dear...," I thought "...if they fight, talk, act up in any way I will make Blake pull over and make them walk home even if we are in Sandy." (I didn't say this out loud at all). Remember, I wasn't feeling well at all! So, we go up to SLC, and the twins were great. They didn't fight, they listened whenever we needed them to listen to, and they were actually really pleasant. They normally are in the car, but you know...teenagers, you just never know what to expect. Then the drive home was really good as well. Overall, a very good experience besides the fact that I wanted to just lay down and go to sleep the whole time. After we took the twins home, I mentioned to Blake that the twins were really well behaved and maybe we should take them more places with us. Blake then told me that he had talked to them before they came out into the car. I guess they had been having little tiffs with the family, and Blake didn't want them to bug me, so he told them, "If you fight, talk, act up in any way I will pull over the car and make both of you walk home even if we are in Sandy." Our marriage was just meant to be. Blake can now read my thoughts. LOL.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Gianna Jessen Abortion Survivor in Australia Part 2

Here is the second part of her speech

Gianna Jessen Abortion Survivor in Australia Part 1

Many of you may have already heard about Gianna Jessen the saline abortion survivor. Her parent's decided on an abortion when her mom was 7 1/2 month pregnant. Let's just say the abortion failed. I'd rather have her tell the story, instead of me recaping it. The movies together are about 16 minutes long, but I hope you watch both of them. She is truly inspiring.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Wedding Pictures!!!

Hurray! We got our wedding pictures! They look fabulous!! I posted a link on this post, but there is also a link under pictures, that says "wedding day" so you can look at all of the pictures that the photographer took. Also, this is a shout out to those who were at the wedding who took pictures, if you could please send us a copy of them through email or whatever that would be great!! Thank you again for all of those who helped out with the wedding! It was a great day, even though the bride was ill with the flu. :) Here are just a few of my favorites, and few they are because there are a lot of good pictures!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Just an update

So, we still don't have our wedding pictures back from the photographers. I'm kind of sad about it, but we'll get them eventually. Blake and I are both back at school, and trying to make the best of it, and also trying to survive! If you haven't seen the wedding videos Blake posted, you should check them out. Especially the reception one. Well, that's basically us at the current moment. And I must say....GO Cougars! (Football season, what can I say?)

Monday, August 30, 2010

Wedding Video!

We finally got our wedding video! It was really cool to watch, and it brought back a lot of fun memories from our wedding! We are so grateful for everyone who was able to help out, and be there for our big day! Here's is just a recap of the video that Tara made.

NOTE: Watch the video in HD right here! Just go to fullscreen and change the resolution to 720p.

The Temple

The Reception

The Slideshow

The Recap

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

One Month...Already?!

So, I know I haven't posted anything about my wedding at all...but you are just all going to have to wait. I'm deciding how I want to publish it, and we still don't have our wedding pictures back. :( But on the bright side, we have been married for one month! Time certainly goes by super fast! I had to work today, and I felt really gross. I do believe I am starting to get my annual head cold before school starts...ugh. BUT Blake did surprise me with Phillipino food (homemade) and candles with soft music to just add to the romantic mood. How cute is that!? He is so awesome, and I love him to death! We then watched Fun with Dick and Jane, which is a very funny movie. All in all it was a wonderful day, and I'm grateful for a wonderful husband who takes care of me. :)

Friday, August 6, 2010


So, along with being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and getting married in the temple I had the opportunity to receive my endowment. What an incredible experience! When Blake and I were driving to the temple he was more nervous for my endowments then I was! But when I actually got to the temple, I got super nervous. It was cool to be able to go past the front desk! I haven't ever been able to do that before. The temple workers were extra nice and tried to make me feel comfortable. I was grateful for that. Most of my friends and family were there, and it was such a sweet experience! It's great to have so many people support me and help me be the person that I really want to be. Thanks everyone for a sweet experience! :)


So, I am finally updating my blog! I took bridal pictures at the end of June, but just haven't had the time to post any. I am making a Picasa web photo book of all of my bridals, but I thought I would post a few of my favorites. Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Deadly mole continued

I got the test results back from my second surgery of the boob mole. There was still some cancer in the skin, but on the margins it was all clear. I'm officially pre-cancer free! No more melanoma for me! W00t! I get my stitches out in about a week or so, and then I will be done! Stupid stitches are more annoying then the actual procedure. What a relief! How to get all of the wedding stuff done. :P

Saturday, June 19, 2010

The deadly Mole

So, for those of you who didn't know...I had a pre cancerous mole. Not really a big deal, I just had to get a total of 13 stitches between two minor surgeries. Okay, I know that sounds like a huge deal, but I'm really calm about everything. Well, you might be wondering where this mole was located in order to be annoying and worth even writing about? Well, it was on my breast. Yes...awkward. Let's just say stitches should never go there. It gets really annoying. Plus taking off band-aids hurts even worse! So, basically it's rather embarrassing to admit that I had a mole (pre cancerous) on my chest area and I had to get it removed. Awkward...but I'm grateful it's gone.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Stupid Fish

As many of you have fish, Dorothy (Fred) tried to commit suicide. I decided to write about it on my blog because I can give more details. SO, I wake up at 5:30 in the morning to a "Bang! Bang!" First thought, "someone might be breaking into the house." Five minutes later.... Second thought, "I should probably check it out." Go into the computer room, and see that there is water on the desk and Dorothy was missing. Look down....Dorothy is on the FLOOR! Annoyed, I went downstairs to see what I should do. Okay, it's a fish, I didn't want to touch it. My dad suggested a spatula. So, I go back upstairs, and the Dorothy is actually moving all over the place! Gross..So I picked up the fish with a spatula, and put it back into the fish tank. Dorothy was covered with dog hair, and some other stuff, but didn't get any further injuries. I have know put books on top of the fish tank in order to prevent Dorothy from escaping again! Stupid Fish.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

California Engagement Pictures!

Here are just some of the pictures Monica took. We took a lot, but I can't put them all on here. So, I just put my favorites so far! Enjoy! Also, Blake is a master Photoshop user, all of the pictures are edited by him.

My busy CRAZY life

I haven't had a chance to update my blog in awhile because I have been so busy! First it was finals, which actually went well. Then I moved out of my apartment and back home. I miss the social life of BYU, but being at home is nice because I don't have to pay for anything! It's a way to same money until Blake and I get married. Right after I moved, Blake and I went to California to take some engagement pictures! It was so much fun! Monica did a great job, and we just went everywhere! We went to a historic farmhouse, and took pictures there, and there was even a train station! We also went to Half Moon Bay which was cold and windy the first time we went, but then nice the second time. San Francisco was another place we went, and that was a blast! It was actually warm and sunny there, which is surprising considering almost every time I have gone there, it's been cold, foggy, rainy, and whatever else! It was so much fun to visit James and Monica and we are looking forward to another trip out there....sometime. Then, I started school. Just Spring term at BYU just to take genetics and Doctrine and Covenants. It keeps me busy. I also started working at my old job Vision Security. It's a crazy busy job, but alas, it's a job. That is so far of my adventures. I will post some of the amazing engagement pictures Monica took soon!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Finals....da da da....

So, finals are soon approaching. This Friday to be exact. I'm not really nervous considering that I have already taken two finals this semester. I'm just nervous that for some odd reason I'm not going to pass one of my classes, and then have to take them over again, and never graduate. (Dramatic, I know). But today is the last day of my classes, and I don't have class, I just have a practical final take. Yipee...... Anyways...wish me luck!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Sunday

This Easter has been a good one for me. My parent's gave me The Princess and the Frog andThe Slipper and the Rose movies. They also gave me lots of "study" food, which is candy. Another thing that has made this Easter special is that I'm able to listen to General Conference and to listen to our church leaders. I love conference! Most importantly, I am reminded why I am here, and what the Savior has done for me. He died so that I could be able to live with Him again. He rose from the dead, which only one man could do so that I can be saved. What a precious and hard thing he had to do in order to do what His Father asked Him to do. Within one week, He introduced the sacrament, bled from every pore, was crucified, and was them resurrected. He did all of that....for us. What a great and humbling thing to think about. I'm grateful for this gospel, and for my Savior. He wants over me and knows my struggles, pains, sorrows, and weaknesses. He makes me stronger. I love Him, and I know he loves me. I know President Monson is here to lead and guide the church under Jesus Christ. These are my thoughts on this Easter Sunday. What a great day to reflect and to be humbled. Happy Easter everyone!

God Bless America

With all of the unsettling things that are going on in this Nation, my thoughts have turned back to our founding fathers. They wished our Nation to be free and to be organized by a government, but not controlled by the government. In these troubling times, my thoughts turn to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Those documents aren't just words written on a piece of paper. They were written so that everyone who comes to America, and who are Americans, can know what freedoms and rights everyone has. The thing that keeps me positive about this Nation is what I believe, and what I have been taught. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has let us know that things will get much worse, but in the end we will win. The Lord is watching out of his righteous people, and knows what is happening in this Nation now. That brings me comfort. So, during these unsettling and unhappy times in America today, I say, "God, please bless America."

Monday, March 29, 2010

Wedding Plans

Well, so far so good. Wedding planning hasn't been too terrible yet, and I have had a lot of help as well! We have the big things taken care of, like the temple, reception center, rehearsal dinner place, and honeymoon mostly planned out. It's kind of a stress reliever....except for all of the little details that go along with the BIG things. I do have my wedding dress though...which was another big stress reliever. Sorry, can't show it off yet, I want it to be a surprise for Blake. We'll see how long that lasts. Even though I know a lot of people don't read my blog, I do want to thank both Blake and my parent's, and siblings for being so supportive and awesome about this whole wedding thing! It can be stressful for everyone, and I hope I haven't been too much of a bride-zilla. I'm trying to avoid it as much as possible.
I do have to say, it is hard to not be a bride-zilla sometimes. There are just so many things that are thrown at you, it's hard to not feel under a lot of pressure. Especially with school and studying. But we will make it, and not every wedding is perfect. Thanks again to everyone who is helping out or just giving me positive attitude adjustments from time to time. Love you all!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Internship 2011

For my major we have to do a 6 month internship in order to graduate from the CLS program. I had my interview with about 6-7 different hospitals from around Utah and Idaho last thursday. My top two choices were Utah Valley Regional Medical Center and IMC (in murray). My interview was only about 3-5 minutes, and all it I had to do was answer any questions that the hospitals had for me. Most of the questions asked were about my recent engagement. :) Well...I found out where I will be doing my 6 month internship! And it is....*drum roll*

If you don't know which hospital this is, it is IMC in Murray, Ut. It has a huge hospital laboratory, and many hospitals actually send some of their tests and patients to IMC to get treatment. It's a really nice hospital and I am excited to be spending January-June 2011 there!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I'm Engaged!

After dating in high school, Blake's mission, and college life, Blake and I are getting married! We have set the date for July 16th. We couldn't be happier and we are both excited to start a new chapter of our lives together. Marriage is a big step for us, but we are excited. I just thought I would put some of my favorite pictures of us, and, of course, a picture of the ring! As many of you know, and have caught me doing this, I can't stop looking at my ring! It's so beautiful! Hope you enjoy! I think I am getting better at this blogging thing....ha!

Our first date

Picture before Blake's mission

The day he got home!

The day we got engaged! March 13th, 2010

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

My Major

So, as many as you know I am in the Clinical Laboratory Science major at BYU. It's a great program to be in even though it's really stressful! Let's just say I have about 4 tests each week, so I study a lot! At least I enjoy it. It's hard to keep myself motivated enough to study, but somehow I get through each week. I love the people who are in my major and my teachers are great! The picture above is everyone who is in my major with me. I will be graduating in June 2011, and I'm excited to get out of school!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

New Blog

So, my previous blog won't let me do anything on it anymore, so I decided to start a new blog. Surprisingly, I have tried for many months to make my old one work...obviously without any success. We'll see what the new blog brings. Here's the link to the old one just in case there are old articles or anything you still want to see. Hopefully as I get used to using this blog, I will be able to update better and keep people better informed about stuff going on in my life. Until then...I can use all of the help I can get. As you can tell...last blog was a failure. Not very many people knew I even had a blog, and I didn't post very much. Hopefully this will be better.