Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Meant to be

So, a month or so ago, I was super sick for a couple of days and didn't really want to do anything. Sunday of course fell into one of those days, and I couldn't go to church. Blake, however, needed to go up to SLC to take some pictures for his photo class and needed me to go with him. He also told me that Paul and Phillip were also coming. "Oh dear...," I thought "...if they fight, talk, act up in any way I will make Blake pull over and make them walk home even if we are in Sandy." (I didn't say this out loud at all). Remember, I wasn't feeling well at all! So, we go up to SLC, and the twins were great. They didn't fight, they listened whenever we needed them to listen to, and they were actually really pleasant. They normally are in the car, but you know...teenagers, you just never know what to expect. Then the drive home was really good as well. Overall, a very good experience besides the fact that I wanted to just lay down and go to sleep the whole time. After we took the twins home, I mentioned to Blake that the twins were really well behaved and maybe we should take them more places with us. Blake then told me that he had talked to them before they came out into the car. I guess they had been having little tiffs with the family, and Blake didn't want them to bug me, so he told them, "If you fight, talk, act up in any way I will pull over the car and make both of you walk home even if we are in Sandy." Our marriage was just meant to be. Blake can now read my thoughts. LOL.

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