Saturday, May 29, 2010

Stupid Fish

As many of you have fish, Dorothy (Fred) tried to commit suicide. I decided to write about it on my blog because I can give more details. SO, I wake up at 5:30 in the morning to a "Bang! Bang!" First thought, "someone might be breaking into the house." Five minutes later.... Second thought, "I should probably check it out." Go into the computer room, and see that there is water on the desk and Dorothy was missing. Look down....Dorothy is on the FLOOR! Annoyed, I went downstairs to see what I should do. Okay, it's a fish, I didn't want to touch it. My dad suggested a spatula. So, I go back upstairs, and the Dorothy is actually moving all over the place! Gross..So I picked up the fish with a spatula, and put it back into the fish tank. Dorothy was covered with dog hair, and some other stuff, but didn't get any further injuries. I have know put books on top of the fish tank in order to prevent Dorothy from escaping again! Stupid Fish.

1 comment:

  1. Dorothy is on the room? I do believe you meant floor. Hehe. I still get a good laugh every time I think about it. It would have been even funnier if mom had been sitting at the computer when it happened. She would have wet her pants. I don't know how you heard it happen. She just isn't meant to die!
