Thursday, January 27, 2011

Ode to stupid drivers

Sorry...I have to vent. If any of you have done these things, I'm not against you or anything, I'm just venting because of these things my car has been nearly hit and could've got both of us injured. Let's just say I'm learning to be a safer driver.

Ode to stupid drivers

First...the blinker...the one that takes about a half second to turn a really good thing. USE IT!

If there is someone in your blind spot...check your blind spot BEFORE you get over....usually they don't know you are getting over until it's almost too late.

RED lights are RED for a reason. And really RED lights are RED for a good reason so you don't hit cars that are going through a GREEN light!

You aren't the OWNER of the ROAD, just your CAR. So, why don't you take care of your car and try and not hit other people's cars with it.

Construction zones are just that...CONSTRUCTION! Don't go 80 mph not thinking you won't hit a pot hole or something else in the road and expect no one to be around you when you lose control of your car...because most likely there will be.

Next time...don't use your bright lights to drive. They blind people.

Oh and don't use your brights to make me go faster...for crying out loud, if you want to go fast JUST PASS ME!

Tail gaters just get off my butt! If I can see your're too close.

Diesels are bigger then you are, so just don't cut them off...ok?

Stop signs are meant for STOPPING not GOING.

Dear Road fixing people...please make noticable lines in the road so people know where the lanes are...that would be much appreciated (on I-15 there are parts where there aren't any lanes...yep, that's the truth!)

I probably have more, but that's all that I can think of right now.

Update on life

So, I haven't written in awhile. It's because I'm so stinkin' busy all of the stinkin' time!!! I started my internship about three weeks ago, and it is certainly keeping me on my toes. Plus I am working in the Microbiology department at there are busy days. My BYU job is awesome because I can work whenever I want to, or whenever I can. It's so nice. I decided not to go to work this week because I just feel so worn out. I have to get up at 5 in the morning, leave by 6-6:15 to get to Murray by 7. And then I'm there until my trainer lets me leave. Sometimes it's only until 12 or so, but there are other days where my trainer wants me to be there until almost 5. Yeah...I have long days. And then, just to top it off...I still have weekly tests. During this rotation, which is Chemistry, I am blessed to only have one test a week. Some of my friends who are doing their internships aren't as lucky. My poor Sabita has 5 tests this week! Not really looking forward to that rotation (hematology). But all in all, I'm had a pretty good experience. The first few weeks were tough...I thought I wasn't going to make it through this internship. Basically, I hate the commute, I hate the inconsistency with what I'm learning from my trainer and what I am actually tested on (they aren't the same), and I get discouraged that I feel like the under dog compared to everyone there. One of my trainers this week noticed that I wasn't really happy, she told me something that kind of helped. She said, "we have all been students, we are still students, lots of things change in this career. Just hang in there, you of all of the students I have taught can make it and feel happy with everything." I have a test tomorrow, I hope I can do better then I did the past two weeks. I get discouraged, but that's when the Lord picks me up and tells me to keep going...It will all be worth it in the end.