Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Oh boy...update needed!

So, Blake has officially taken over my laptop. It's easier to take to school then his, so I only get to use my laptop when he is sleeping. Lol. You might be thinking, why don't you just use his laptop? Here is the reason...I try and I fail. His laptop is just set up the way he likes it, so it's just hard for me to get use to. I'd rather just not mess with it. But since he has horded's similarly set up like his laptop. I just can't win. Luckily, I still have my tablet (NEWSFLASH!! I got a Samsung tablet from my parent's for graduation. I love it!) but I can't update my blog using my tablet. But Blake takes the tablet to his parent's house, or to school, so sometimes I don't even have that! Are you sensing a pattern? Yes, Blake has full control over all electronics! Should this bug me? I would say yes, but for the most part he makes sure it's ok with me before he takes things or changes thing. But there are other times where he just does it even though I say no...hmm...interesting?

Anyways, on a slightly more happier topic, I finally got a job!! I work at Primary Children's medical center. It is probably the greatest place to work! My co-workers are great and they really are interested in getting to know me better and wanting to help me out the best they can. It's great to actually have a career and to be doing what I learned in college and apply my learning. Even though I'm only working part time, I still get extra hours just in case someone is sick or just needs to have someone cover their shift.  Primary Children's moto is "The child first and always." Whenever I see that I know my job is stressful, but it's worth it. I always think, "What if this were my child, wouldn't I want the best care taken for them as possible?" That makes me do my job better and more careful.

Last, but not least, my sister is prego!!! I get a new niece or nephew in April. We are all so excited! Hoping to  be able to visit them when the baby is born. We'll see. :)

Monday, June 27, 2011

Time for an update!

So, I'm done with school. Yes, totally done with school. I can't believe it! I'm a BYU graduate!!! Wahoo! Blake and I are celebrating/relaxing after a long six months of an internship. Now, the job hunt begins. I have applied for a few jobs and even have gotten an interview, but I haven't heard back from any of them. Ugh. I guess that's what happens after college!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Funny Moments from when Andrea, Brian and the kids were here. :)

There were a lot of things that happened while Andrea was here, but here are a few funny moments where I couldn't hide my laughter, even for a second.

We went to see Suessical the musical at the HCTO and here is what Emily said. "Aub-Aub, that man couldn't be the Cat-in-the-Hat, he doesn't have any fur! But he is sure funny!"

Another Suessical moment. Emily: "Mommy, can you ask the pink bird if I can have her tail? Her tail is my favorite!"

Gavin: "Aub-Aub where my jacket!?" "I don't know Gavin, did you ask Grandma." "No...GRANDMA, WHERE MY JACKET!!??!!" (He yelled it and she was standing right next to me.

Brian: "Where's Blake, is he sleeping?" "No, he is playing the Wii in the living room." "Oh, ok." (A few days later...) Gavin: "Aub-Aub is Blake.....sleeping?" (probably my favorite moment)

Emily: "Aub-Aub remember when we watching Singin' in the Rain and that guy fell through the wall! He was trying to jump and he just fell through the wall! (then giggling) That was my favorite part!"

Emily playing the Wii. "Blake, do you want to play Mario party?" "Not really." "I'm going to add you anyways..."

Gavin with Otis. "I want a Otis hug!" " can try and give him a hug" (Otis laying on the ground not knowing what was going to happen next. "I love Otis," said Gavin then preceded to lay on top of Otis and give him a hug. Let's just say Otis didn't like it, but it was super cute!

Gavin: "Aub-Aub I wanna go outside!" "We can't dude, it's raining." "WHAT?" "It's raining" "WHAT?" (he was pretending he couldn't hear me.) "It's raining".... "It's rainin'....but I want to go OUTSIDE!!!"

There were a few other good ones, like when Andrea, Brian, Blake and I would play the Wii for hours at night. Scene it, Tetris, and Super Mario Bros, Mario Kart, and Bomberman! Brian went on this Harry Potter kick where we had to watch all of the Harry Potter movies in one week. It was really fun to have them here and we wish them good luck on their new adventure to West Virginia!! YAY!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Slumber party!

My sister and her family is in town for the whole month of April and my niece (who is 5) wanted to have a family sleepover!! It was super fun! Blake, my mom, the kids and I all slept in the living room, while the lame-o's (Brian, Andrea and my dad) went and slept in their very comfortable beds. During the party we had pizza, popcorn, root beer and marshmallows! We watch Singing in the Rain and Harry Potter the Deadly Hallow part 1. The kids were a bit on the grumpy side the next day, but we still had a lot of fun! I'm lame and didn't take any pictures. But at least you got to read all about our slumber party!! :)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

A testimony building experience I had...

In my internship there a lot of people who aren't LDS. I have heard a lot of swearing, I have see a lot of people smoking, drinking, and all sorts of stuff. Here's an encounter I had with a girl while doing my blood drawing rotation this past week.
I can honestly say that SLC is a lot different then just Temple Square and the SL temple, but I have known this for years. There are a lot of people who have grow up LDS and who have just taken a different road in their life. Some people absolutely hate LDS people and just don't care about the church anymore, and some who are tolerant because they aren't sure how they feel about the church. I had a conversation with someone the other day where she asked me where I got married. I told her I got married in the temple. She then went on to say, "I thought so, if I ever stepped in to a temple I'm sure that it would fall down around me." I guess she left the church when she was 13 and hasn't had any desire to go back. She is also married and is going to be having a baby. Someone had told her that she would have to pay for all of the horrible things that she has done in this life in the next life. This is what she told me after that, "I am married and having a kid. I believe in God, but I think that some of the ideals that people within the church place upon themselves aren't necessarily what the church wants us to. They teach their children that everyone who isn't Mormon is a terrible person, and I hate that because I don't think I'm a terrible person for believing in God, and not being a member of the LDS church."
It was kind of an eye opener for me. I realized more that my actions can really either help or hinder someone in the church. I don't judge her for leaving the church. I'm sure she had her reasons, or just wanted to have her own "freedom," but I'm not sure which. I have always been really grateful for the church and everything it stands for, but I to hate it when people teach others that other people are bad because they aren't members of the church. Does that make sense? I know a lot of people who aren't members who are really good people and are God fearing people. I know that judgement will only be passed by God and not by me. Here's what I said to her statement, "People have the right to choose where ever they want to go, it's not for me or anyone to decide how a persons life is going to go. That's what God is for." Was that right thing to say? I was going to say more, but we got interrupted. I was going to go on to say that I hope that my children will learn to love the church I like have, but it's up to them to gain a testimony of it, and not for me to force a testimony on them. If they start to go down a path that I don't think will be good for them, I will counsel with them to see if they need any help from me. If they continue to do things that are not what they grew up learning, then I will seek to help them in any way that I can, but I can't take away their freedom of choice. Sometimes people have to learn for themselves what the LDS church really means, but have to lose their way before they can come back. Many they don't come back in this life, maybe it's the next life they choose the Savior. All in all, I know that everything is in the Lord's hands and if we trust in that...then we have no need to fear.
I hope I have made myself clear. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to make a situation like this a good one instead of a bad one? I hope I did well and didn't offend her at all. She didn't seem to be.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Ode to stupid drivers

Sorry...I have to vent. If any of you have done these things, I'm not against you or anything, I'm just venting because of these things my car has been nearly hit and could've got both of us injured. Let's just say I'm learning to be a safer driver.

Ode to stupid drivers

First...the blinker...the one that takes about a half second to turn a really good thing. USE IT!

If there is someone in your blind spot...check your blind spot BEFORE you get over....usually they don't know you are getting over until it's almost too late.

RED lights are RED for a reason. And really RED lights are RED for a good reason so you don't hit cars that are going through a GREEN light!

You aren't the OWNER of the ROAD, just your CAR. So, why don't you take care of your car and try and not hit other people's cars with it.

Construction zones are just that...CONSTRUCTION! Don't go 80 mph not thinking you won't hit a pot hole or something else in the road and expect no one to be around you when you lose control of your car...because most likely there will be.

Next time...don't use your bright lights to drive. They blind people.

Oh and don't use your brights to make me go faster...for crying out loud, if you want to go fast JUST PASS ME!

Tail gaters just get off my butt! If I can see your're too close.

Diesels are bigger then you are, so just don't cut them off...ok?

Stop signs are meant for STOPPING not GOING.

Dear Road fixing people...please make noticable lines in the road so people know where the lanes are...that would be much appreciated (on I-15 there are parts where there aren't any lanes...yep, that's the truth!)

I probably have more, but that's all that I can think of right now.

Update on life

So, I haven't written in awhile. It's because I'm so stinkin' busy all of the stinkin' time!!! I started my internship about three weeks ago, and it is certainly keeping me on my toes. Plus I am working in the Microbiology department at there are busy days. My BYU job is awesome because I can work whenever I want to, or whenever I can. It's so nice. I decided not to go to work this week because I just feel so worn out. I have to get up at 5 in the morning, leave by 6-6:15 to get to Murray by 7. And then I'm there until my trainer lets me leave. Sometimes it's only until 12 or so, but there are other days where my trainer wants me to be there until almost 5. Yeah...I have long days. And then, just to top it off...I still have weekly tests. During this rotation, which is Chemistry, I am blessed to only have one test a week. Some of my friends who are doing their internships aren't as lucky. My poor Sabita has 5 tests this week! Not really looking forward to that rotation (hematology). But all in all, I'm had a pretty good experience. The first few weeks were tough...I thought I wasn't going to make it through this internship. Basically, I hate the commute, I hate the inconsistency with what I'm learning from my trainer and what I am actually tested on (they aren't the same), and I get discouraged that I feel like the under dog compared to everyone there. One of my trainers this week noticed that I wasn't really happy, she told me something that kind of helped. She said, "we have all been students, we are still students, lots of things change in this career. Just hang in there, you of all of the students I have taught can make it and feel happy with everything." I have a test tomorrow, I hope I can do better then I did the past two weeks. I get discouraged, but that's when the Lord picks me up and tells me to keep going...It will all be worth it in the end.